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Called from the "PEWS!!!" Working on Kingdom Things!!!

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J La Trina suffered for 12 years in and out of the hospital unable to eat, speak, drink, make facial expressions, etc without the assistance of medication. Her food was Ensure. Her face and body would become disfigured. She went for years from doctor to doctor until she found that they would only give her steroids. God has miraculously delivered her from this misery and now she uses her voice for Kingdom Business!

J La Trina suffered the loss of everything due to making poor choices and depression. She went through the welfare system which is something she knew nothing about and was able to see how women her age and younger were suffering and had no goals for their lives nor their children's lives. She saw HERSELF! She made it through the classes and was Delivered from depression! She has since then volunteered at a Welfare to Work Program as a Job Placement Director teaching Life Skills and conducting Motivational Speeches. She teaches how to handle rejection positively, self-esteem, self worth, and self love.

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She recently performed in a play as the lead in, “Lord Why Me?” This was a play written about domestic violence. One would have thought the play was written for her. She has performed in many productions throughout her career.


Hair magazine, fashion shows, hats, and now her J La Trina inspired clothing line.

Psalmist . Singer . Vocalist

She has recorded with artists around the Metro Atlanta area. She’s a Prophetic Psalmist. She sings what she hears the Lord saying. Her current CD entitled, "A Prophetic, Poetic, Psalmist's Journey” is available.

She has been the head of Administration for churches and statewide conferences. She’s implemented programs in churches around the city that are still in use and manages many accounts on facebook (groups & fan pages) for Pastors, NBA & NFL players and Entertainers. She streams live services and is currently working on major events around the city with Pastors, Politicians, NBA, NFL, and other Entertainers.

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Headed for self-destruction because of life’s circumstances, J La Trina went through a period of not knowing who she was and accepted abusive relationships. With God’s help and the charge to take back her life, she has conquered the abusive familial relationship cycle.

Voice Over Specialist

Her voice can be heard around the city and the world. She’s done voice over’s for Legacy Toyota, Pilgrim Cathedral, Kingdom Embassy, The C-Room Gospel Cafe, conferences, and answering services. She’s currently working on several voice over projects.

Radio Personality & Co-Host

As a Co-Host, She has worked with Brother Derrick on WIGO 1570 AM “The Brother Derrick Radio Show and a guest Co-Host with Min. Jonathan Simmons on WRTS Radio & WRTS TV (Worship and Real Talk for Men) they travel doing “live” shows and events.”

TV Show Host

She is currently “The Red Carpet Host” at The C-Room Café which will air in June 2010 on DirecTV’s Channel 323. launching her talk show soon. 
“COMING SOON!” J La Trina TV “ A Day In the Life of…” 
J La Trina will interview celebrities to the girl/boy next door concerning community related issues.

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Author Technical Writer

God has allowed her to write about her life's journey. She is now able to share with this generation how God has caused her to triumph over things many women struggle with and commit suicide over. She has also authored several manuals for The DeKalb County Board of Education. She is also a contributing editor and advisor to several magazines/articles.

Spoken Word Artist & Poet

Simple known as… “The Voice…” J La Trina’s voice mesmerizes audiences abroad with her sultry urban sound. She’s often compared to Eartha Kitt, Maya Angelou, and Sheryl Lee Ralph. If you close your eyes, you can visualize her every word as she takes you on her life’s journey, but you might miss out on what’s taking place on stage, so you don’t know whether to close your eyes or keep them open.


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